Today we are learning about free choice through free choice – ooh this is not a lesson, this is what is happening in the real world as far as i can see from my limited little window.
My life has been hard, some massive downs, real downs, enough to colour ones view of life permanently, and some massive ups – more often than not short circuited by me – kind of pathological, something i couldnt help.
Nooo, this is not a sad confession, a litening of the soul, this is how to do it Bertie style.
So youre a real fuck up?
So what, who cares? At the end of the day – NO ONE. The only person that feels sorry for yourself is you and that doesent count, even if somebody else did, it wouldnt help.
So were alone.
There is only one thing to do – GET ON WITH IT!
Some take to meditation, yoga, exercise, running, mountaineering, me, i just gave in and let it roll all over me. Then i began to have ideas,
I tried them out, i stopped looking in the mirror (we all use a mirror to see how the world sees us – this shapes us, defines us) if you stop using the mirror you have a chance.
Who am i? what am i?
I am nothing, i am everything, ————- very hippy and by itself not very helpful but its a start.
Before long i was mirrorless, ooh yes i could occasionaly get glimpses, reflections, but the harsh reality of mirrors had gone, therefore i could do anything. And i did.
This led to the creation of outrageous spoons.
It started as a bit of a joke, then became more serious. I posted on youtube and lo and behold it got astonishing numbers of views and comments. Some were nasty, some were nice and some really outstanding. But what really got me was what happened when i was visited by a Belgian film maker and his son. The spoons are in sets, they tell a story, around an object, they discuss design and also have a laugh. The father couldnt put the sets together, but his son could automatically. What was going on?
It was explained to me by a brain researcher. I expected a long and complicated explanation but he just laughed. ” Its patterned learning” he said.
Took me a while to understand and to learn why i could, but many adults couldnt.
My childhood had been full of terror and mishandling, thus to this day i cannot do the most simple of school tasks, higher level, not a problem – to cope i had rejected those pressures, erased them and installed my own view of things, so in many ways i have a childs view of the world and its doings. Not clouded by others ideas, open to —— anything.
Many perceive this as a kind of naivety,(and take advantage) others realize what it is and we become good friends, very good friends.
This approach has led to other things. Things ive kept quiet about because of prejudices. Others disbelief has always been painful to me.
LUCK, easy problem solving, making things fit together. Life for me is often like a jigsaw puzzle. You feel you need this, you need that. You put your collection together and voila, a complex problem solved. Almost unawares.(sometimes years ahead)
This has led to a great deal of happiness and contentment. (deserved)
A thing is considered, meditated upon then left, no more to be done (you think) but the brain is working away. Slowly, like a cake mix, the ingredients have been assembled and one day are ready.
Pure magic, but something you can train yourself to do, and anyone can do it
it includes personal health as well. Listening to the body, its always telling you things.
Since ive managed to get rid of the results of an extremely painful road accident my health has improved by leaps and bounds. Took me 34 years.
Ive just learnt that someone has made a process out of it, ritualized.
This is fine, but the rush to go and learn something completely natural and pay massive amounts will be impressive.
I went on a trasendental meditation course many years. It cost an arm and a leg and came with a bagful of mumbojumbo and it worked. ive ditched the mumbo and just got on with it.