Category Archives: blog

Bullying, and how to change some ones world by breaking the rules.

Bullying is horrible, changes lives, makes prisoners of people, but it is in our nature and trying to stop it becomes merly another form of bullying.

I have been subjected to bullying, a great deal of bullying and I have seen what it does to others, even those who bully, no one comes off scott free.

Having so much experience I have a solution for school bullying where most of it occurs, where bullies are born and bred. This goes completely against the feelings of those close to the oppressed but if you give it a chance the idea may grow.

Bribe the bullies.


A friend living nearby has had to move house to another district because of bullying – the cost must be very large in cash, let alone stress but he feels he cannot do anything.

So this is how it works – the child must identify the worst bully, the bully then gets a letter from the parent of the bullied child explaining that their child is most unhappy and really needs someone to look out for her or him, to protect.

In return for this the parent is willing to open a bank account in their name and to make a deposit and then a deposit every other week. If the bully does not do his job he is fined by the parent by a deduction from his or her account. (if he or she agrees)

At the end of lets say a month initially there is a payment – then one every 6 months or so. Regular statements are given.

This is pure protection money (horror)

But properly managed worth every penny – consider moving house???

It also empowers your child – imagine that childs word could lead to the bully loosing money.

If the school gets hold of the arrangement consider how they would look – children being forced to pay protection money??

What would the papers say?

If the parents of the bully get hold of the details and kick up a fuss remind them that this is a business arrangement – in fact the first paid work for the bully, this is what many companies actually do – consider insurance!

One last thing, most bullies have problems of their own, low self esteem being one of them – think of how they would feel if they had someone to look after – maybe (god forbid) you might even make a bully happy. No one is really happy hurting someone else.

I solved the bullying issue by scaring the bullies – very badly. To them it was just a bit of fun, to me it was life and death, the misery caused by another child deliberately, made me want to cease to exist – the only alternative was to fight but not by their rules because they were always bigger and had friends, they never did it on their own. Yes I got bashed and that is something a child should never have to undergo least of all daily, it is torture plain and simple.

This is a win win situation at its best its funny. At its worst its revenge plain and simple.


What you see, is what you get? REALLY?

As a child i lived in a very bewildering world.

I came from tiny Norway to ununderstandable uk. It just didnt compute.

First of all my father was a war hero – nobody was interested – he did this, he did that – i did this, i did that – nobody was interested – its called SHOWING OFF.

A very major crime in many books. I was treated accordingly.

That didnt make me stop, it just made me Angry. Especially because of the punishments from the teachers and the bullying from the other pupils, though both learnt before too long the keep their distance and the enlightened – just to enjoy.

Now that really interests me because we are supposed to just sit there, are we?

I love hearing peoples stories – what they get up to – what they do and so comes the joy of stories.

Actually my Father is a war hero – he was part of a secret organisation during the second world war and was a regional leader – he had over 90 agents throughout the war and not one was caught. He was engaged in a far more powerful war that the regular war heroes – that of information.

This idea that one must not blow ones own trumpet follows me to this day – i am 70.

And still i say FUCK YOU.

It is actually a type of bullying.

So what do i do about it?

Ive tried blowing my own trumpet here but even though its business it doesent go down well – there are 2 ways of advertising your business – ahaaa actually 3.

Word of mouth

Advertising in media


One of my works is hand copy turning – in the uk there were not many of us but we earnt well and were very respected because it was magic.

Essentially you came to me with a knob you wanted copying – or a chair leg , lots of church work, and i made it by eye. Here nobody wants to know, principally because they dont understand.

In the uk i worked for all kinds doing that work – that included Freddy Mercury, Vivienne Westwood (jewlery) and more – also local farmers, antique dealers all over the westcountry and other furniture makers.

35 years ago i decided to make a series of spoons meaning something.

Much to my surprise i found that most adults could not understand the concepts. Took me a long time to find out why.

Patterned learning.

Adults though they try to be different are shaped by patterns, they look for patterns in everything, therefore even you get put under this A4 frame.

Even artists – especially artists.

This is such a shame because things dont change because of it. Things remain stative, staid, old, mouldy.

Ive had some sucesses in my local Town – 3 public lectures 1 of them solo. 2 on seaweed trawling and one on teflon (ptfe)

Ive also tended many public events bringing a tent, aquaria and other items for a environment organization – but perhaps it was the brochures on ptfe – or my trying to persuade public bodies to take me more seriously that did it. As a result many turn their back on me –

It hurts.

So ive been conducting a little campaign which involves showing my stuff but in a kind of backwards way.

Recently this has had some sucess with an article on the national news (on the spoons)

another in a magazine called Familien

But it is not enough so ive been having a “secret” exhibition in the high street.


All the more so because its totally ABSURD. Doesent follow any of the “rules”.

I havent told anybody about it – its very high quality crafts and its totally unique. Best of all for many what you see is what you get – missing the hidden meaning totally.

Adults dont get the connection between each item but children do. The very serious adults where the exhibition is being held only see fine crafts and totally miss the underlying “text.”

As the display cases are experimental and fulfill many different tasks it serves another purpose as well.

The displays are made out of Perspex 4mm thick.

Its a difficult substance to work in so ive discarded the usual frame and legs with braces in favour of an internal turned structure which includes a facility for possible wall mounting. The legs do not have stretchers so the whole wobbles if you touch it. The legs can be simply pulled out so the whole is entirely portable and free from scrapes caused by bags or smudges from hands. In short they are funnnnnnn.