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As we progress into 2024 the world seems to be alive with the barbarities that «we»as civilised people have long rejected.

The question in my mind is «how civilised are we?»

Personally i have close connections to my feelings and to who and what i am, i nurture them because the only way i can do anything about them is if i know them.

Society on the whole rejects the notion that behind the facade lies a barbarian capable of «barbaraties» Thus it is capable of the most extreme barbarities because they have never faced them.

Consider fishing – an animal is caught out of the sea and then is killed for food. Many cannot face the prospect of killing and so put it in a container where it suffers for some time before dying. Others brace up to this. A quick knock on the head and then the throat is cut, death comes quickly to fish thus treated – farming the same. The vast majority dont want to know, but they happily go on eating meat of every kind.

Reading Mad in America by Robert Whittaker it is fascinating to see how the «lower strata of society « was treated in the usa in the first part of the 20C and later.

I think it may be true that those people have for the time being at any rate, more intellegence than they can handle and that a reduction of intellegence is an important factor in the curative process. It is a fact that the best cures one gets are in those individuals who one reduces almost ametia (simple mindedness) From Dr Abraham Myerson.

Thus the treatment of the insane in the usa was persued by damaging the brain with electroshok,Insulin coma,Metrazol convulsive therapy and Prefrontal Lobotamy. a good deal of this still goes on in so called civilised countries today.

It is a fact that skitzophrenic( This so called disease is a catch all for all kinds of unbalances in the phsyce) outcomes are far better in poor countries than in the usa and other «developed nations»

(This is perhaps because the «disease» and the diagnosis thereof is closely connected to the income for pharmaceutical companies.)

Eugenics, where in its ultimate form led to the gassing of those deemed «unfit» was instigated in the uk, developed in the usa then taken further by Hitlers germany. Initially Eugenics was promoted by a commitee of 99 in the usa, members were drawn from the best universities in the usa, they include harvard, yale and columbia.

They proceeded with a program of propoganda which led to it being taught in educational establishments.

Consider – the brutal fact about eugenics was that it assumed that the upper classes (the rich and well to do) were superior to the lower classes and that their lives did not matter in the same way.

The American Eugenics society was funded by John Rockefeller and several other worthies(in 1926), it became a big national organization with chapters in 28 states.

Americas influence spread to other countries as well, they included Denmark,Norway,Sweden, Finland and Iceland. The influence was particurly powerful in Germany where it was taken to its extreme.

The Rockefeller foundation gave 2.5 million dollars(in 1925) to the phsyciatric institute in Munich which swiftly became the leading center for eugenics in Germany.

Thus Eugenics in Germany was funded by American donations.

The eugenics laws later passed in Germany were based on a careful study of the American Eugenics laws, notably those instituted in California.

This led ultimately to the gassing of over 70,000 mental paitients.

In august 1941 the gas chambers initially used in this were dismantalled and sent to concentration camps in the east.

Consider – The English upper classes considered themselves superior due to their breeding, this was prooved by the study of the superior traits of the ruling British elite by Galton – this found its way to the us then to Germany and the demise of over 6 million in the most hideous of ways.

The american public were horrified once they saw the pictures of the liberated concentration camps at the end of ww2, however worse was to come.

In the book «The shame of the states» Deutsch described visiting a mental hospital called Byberry in the usa.

As i passed through the wards of Byberry i was reminded of the nazi concentration camps of Belsen and Buchenwald.

Sure soon enough this was taken up by the press and the true horror revealed, it became a national scandal. The horror of medical treatment and confinement of mental paitients is still a major concern for those of us who are concerned with liberty,freedom and justice.

Today the business ethics of many american corporations disregard the human suffering they cause all over the globe, from pollution to environmental destruction, to wars.

It is considered to be part of the cost of doing business.

Living on the west coast of Norway i can see this plainly as the trawlers plough up the seaweed beds for the american owned FMC corporation and lately DUPONT. The science is clear b ut the state chooses to ignore it, aided and abetted by propoganda produced ultimately by the companies themselves. It doesent matter the source, or who paid for it, its science and thats all that counts?

Further the worldwide pollution from Fluoro chemicals responsible for serious diseases is again ultimately from an american Corporation – nearly all of humanity has these chemicals in our blood.

It is almost as if our governing bodies (countries states) have decided that they are superior and are the only ones capable of governing, an echo of eugenics.

But the fact is states are tools, like almost all tools, those who understand them make best use of them. Thus we have networks of companies coupling polititians and businesses so most issues are resolved in short order often ignoring the grounding principles entirely.. Many of the senior polititians in Norway have worked for the companies mentioned, they include many who lead political parties.

In connection with this is the idea that American citizens must be armed, that is equipped with weapons whose only purpose is to kill. This ultimately comes from the system – the system of free enterprise so highly valued.


A good quality pistol or rifle is worth over 1000 dollars, in some cases far more than that. If every household feels it necessary to have firearms then how many households are there in the usa.

The sums are enormous.

How much does it cost to suborn the press and polititians and the system?

Very little in comparrison.

And they are, information is easy to find.

We must have firearms says most of America.

Its strange to think that most countries do not consider this necessary – in fact the downside of supporting this is the annual deathtoll from firearms in the us – between 40 and 50 thousand each year. In comparison Norway has about 5 deaths from firearms annually.

Here are plain signs of manipulation, predjudice and a callus selfishness manifested by the named issues, institutions and individuals – it is entirely possible that this is an exhibition of free democracy taken advantage of by business to the extent that multiple deaths would be seen as a hindrance, nuisance and not a question of major importance. Why should it be when the aim is to make money no matter what. When the aim of society is to maintain the freedoms it so hugely values.

If you combine all the threats, without wishing to sound too dramatic, the outcome is strictlly against the survival of the human race.

Thus sounds ridiculous in terms of what society is and how it functions but if you draw graphs where one factor is human deaths from ilnesses which have strong connections to the pollution caused by the indescriminate use of chemicals for the benefit of the producers – against time and production then there is a strong correlation – a downwards correlation. Further, the use of computers, mobile phones and entertainment resources leave many of us in a happy cocoon where the belief that the fantasy world that has been created for and by us, will never end, that it is something we cannot exist without – thus many never look out of the window and leave such things to those strange beings – environmental campeigners. (after all, the real world doesent have an accompaniment of music) Worse still many environmental campeigners follow blindly the dictates thrust upon them by their leaders, essentially leaving the thinking up to them – it would be interesting to see how many major groups owe their funding to the very businesses they apparently stand against.

Thus we have a downwards spiral, inflicted upon us by what we are and have become,

So what is the answer??

We must go inwards, to understand ourselves, to understand how the world relates to us, how it relates to our nature.

Then we must learn.

For instance in the real world there are very few absoloutes.

Many of the things we have become to believe are only partly true, thus the electric car is not going to save us but is an essential part of progress, that to stop using oil is madness – to deny completely

gene modified foods is foolish, the same with plastics.

The answers lie within our grasp – the only issue is can we GRASP, and the answer is NO, given the current phsycological factor inherrent in most humans.

Consider, the issue with oil is not its use, its how much we use it.

Sitting beside a main road in rush hour is instructive, 80% of cars with one person driving a vehicle capable of carrying 6.

Just a quick trip with the car down to the supermarket could be turned into a once a week trip. Or even better, a cycle ride for all the family.

The same with plastics, to make for only one use is ridiculous – we should have carriers made for use over years, they should not be available at the checkout, foods should be delivered in containers substantially made, restocked from large containers in the shop.

We should learn how to sow and harvest and to share. The idea of going to the gym to maintain the body would become a thing of the past because you would get all the exercise you would need in other ways.

The words small farming have become a catch phrase.

There is a large section of society currently very much aware and doing just those things.

It is clear for those of long sight that our society is due an overhaul because it is not working. I only hope that the soloution is not the ones the Romans chose when their democracy failed and that is the selection of a ultimate ruler.

Perhaps one has already been selected and we are unaware?

Bullying, and how to change some ones world by breaking the rules.

Bullying is horrible, changes lives, makes prisoners of people, but it is in our nature and trying to stop it becomes merly another form of bullying.

I have been subjected to bullying, a great deal of bullying and I have seen what it does to others, even those who bully, no one comes off scott free.

Having so much experience I have a solution for school bullying where most of it occurs, where bullies are born and bred. This goes completely against the feelings of those close to the oppressed but if you give it a chance the idea may grow.

Bribe the bullies.


A friend living nearby has had to move house to another district because of bullying – the cost must be very large in cash, let alone stress but he feels he cannot do anything.

So this is how it works – the child must identify the worst bully, the bully then gets a letter from the parent of the bullied child explaining that their child is most unhappy and really needs someone to look out for her or him, to protect.

In return for this the parent is willing to open a bank account in their name and to make a deposit and then a deposit every other week. If the bully does not do his job he is fined by the parent by a deduction from his or her account. (if he or she agrees)

At the end of lets say a month initially there is a payment – then one every 6 months or so. Regular statements are given.

This is pure protection money (horror)

But properly managed worth every penny – consider moving house???

It also empowers your child – imagine that childs word could lead to the bully loosing money.

If the school gets hold of the arrangement consider how they would look – children being forced to pay protection money??

What would the papers say?

If the parents of the bully get hold of the details and kick up a fuss remind them that this is a business arrangement – in fact the first paid work for the bully, this is what many companies actually do – consider insurance!

One last thing, most bullies have problems of their own, low self esteem being one of them – think of how they would feel if they had someone to look after – maybe (god forbid) you might even make a bully happy. No one is really happy hurting someone else.

I solved the bullying issue by scaring the bullies – very badly. To them it was just a bit of fun, to me it was life and death, the misery caused by another child deliberately, made me want to cease to exist – the only alternative was to fight but not by their rules because they were always bigger and had friends, they never did it on their own. Yes I got bashed and that is something a child should never have to undergo least of all daily, it is torture plain and simple.

This is a win win situation at its best its funny. At its worst its revenge plain and simple.


Several times over the last month ive been reminded by several different people how important it is to do what I do.

At times im made to feel an idiot – mainly by the people I cross, but there is firm support.

What do I do?

I do what ever I believe in and follow up – more often than not its to do with environmental issues.

I have worked for many large companies, have been constantly reminded of their power. Have had many contacts with authorities and again been reminded of their power.

This is an example of that – the man in question is most plausible

What he tries to do is destroy the policewomans credebility by using every trick in the book for WHAT?

In the end he ends up destroying himself -with me he created the doubt he wanted and drove me into myself -just as they did when i was a child,

Idont want to know such people anymore.

This brings me back to childhood where the authorities also constantly reminded me of their power – at school this took the form of beatings by the headmaster or teachers followed by brutal bullying from other pupils. (the 60/70s in the uk)

In time there was nowhere else to go – so my reaction was to do my best to kill the evil little shits.

No one does that.

They didnt know how to deal with that.

It scared the shit out of them.

A phsycologist was called by one school, his report was so alarming I was asked to leave at once – essentially it said – “its not surprising that he behaves in the way he does given the way he has been treated”

So I bully the bullies.

Who are the bullies?

They are big concerns and individuals who do foul things to the environment, produce and sell deadly poisons and constantly lie about the effects.

I have been constantly threatened both by big concerns and individuals, my boat has been attacked, once with me in it – that was filmed so the attacker in return was attacked but in another more sensible way – the threat of loosing his skippers certificate.

When the sjøfartsdirektoratet (Norwegian national marine safety organization) received the file they said he should loose his licence as the evidence was crystal clear – I asked them not to (because he could be a far stronger “friend”than an enemy.)

I am part of the environmental movement locally and as such I am greatly moved by young people who come up to me at events and say “i would like to give you some money because I think what you do is very important.”

This is utterly fantastic.

But are there really so few that are prepared to stand in the street and talk?

When I give one of my speeches most people look the other way, pretend they havent heard

but there are always one or two who say – do you have evidence and then “we would like to support you.”

Actually I hear many have given up.

Many different reasons and some I have felt strongly myself.

There is a strong element of jealousy cropping up – WHO are you? WHAT are your qualifications?

And then the “if a big company does that then what you say cant be true.”

The general apathy sometimes is overpowering but of late that has shifted.

One of my issues is the use of PTFE in dental floss – and cookware. As the press has picked up the banner it seems the public is becoming more aware.

A few months ago i noticed my dentist had easy slide dental floss – i gave her a leaflet mentioning the floss in question – to be honest i dont know if she read it or took me seriously . Last week i had an appointment – she not only had read the brochure but told me how horrified she was that a national company (jordan) would do such a thing. Here in Norway that company is a household name.

There is only really one thing that keeps me going – it is FUCK YOU.

Looking around me society desperately need more people to say that – I am no revolutionary, I support neither the left or the right what I do is support change.

Our systems are moribund, our politicians are sheep blindly following each other, desperately looking to the one who seems trendy.

Our police try hard to avoid trouble and so does the system, but if you know the rules you can make manure, and manure makes things grow.

How to be part of – without having to pay membership fees.

As one grows older the need to communicate with ones peers does not diminish – so what is the solution?

To have a holiday from being you.

This is good for your health (caughs and colds excepted) and is a good way of maintaining contact and learning what is going on in your community.

To this end i make it a must to select a cafee or meeting place and do just that once a week.

Unfortunately to this end i have been rather sucessful

The Following Morning

So i have developed a program. Mainly serious items that i have been slowly working on for a long time and they are all connected – no not in the sense that “i made them” no there is a common thread which goes far beyond that – it is about people, how they are and how society is and has always been.

We live in a marvelous world. What we have around us is pure magic, no other way of describing it.

What are we?

Who are we?

Why do we exist?

Simple, to experience, then we die. All living things do the same so why should we consider ourselves different in any way?

We all live in our different worlds – some appear grim, others happy, charming, involved, successful. But underneath we are all the same. Some choose to have an open world, open to all new experiences – others a closed world where everything is carefully regulated/ordered – no strange things/people allowed. This is a bit sad for all of us as a successful society is one full of inclusions – one where things that benefit everyone can be done.

The Norwegian society/way of life is pretty good on the whole. i have never met a more relaxed or inclusive social life, but as all there are problems. Staying with the good, wherever you go there are people who are prepared to go out of their way to help/make things work. Sometimes it may be just helping to push the car, others its far more.

Forgetting the cash card but having cash – no problem, just wait and ask. Local shopkeeper asked if i wanted a boat – free, quite a big one too. It sits in my park behind me as i write – firewood, no problem if the chainsaw is working – and more. If you wait the good nature of the people around always shines through – BUT

The biggest but is the breaking of the law in support of something – what deeply concerns me is the way the police and the local authorities collude in this. Illegal burning – this area was plagued by the burning of farm waste, (household as well) This was caused by a firm which was supposed to collect but didnt, and the authorities did nothing apart from turning a blind eye to burning, and i have heard even suggesting it.

This led to farmers burning everything – fires burning for days and a horrible stink of plastic in the air. (distribution of pcbs, dioxins and worse)

I called the firebrigade out to a fire leaving a column of black smoke some 30 meters by 8 – they said they couldnt see it – when they finally admitted they tried to put it out, that was the end of it except for the heavy bullying i got for months afterwards (now sorted)

Now its the destruction of baby seagulls under the guise of clearing flat roofs – its illegal under any circumstances but the police deny responsibility as does the council – the higher authorities will as always reply with “its not our responsibility”. ¨

Its fine to help friends but not fine to break the law – the police do not own the law either, their job is to enforce it.

As an environmental activist it disgusts me that people have so little regard for life, care so little for it too – they say “whats it got to do with me?” Its got everything to do with you. The reason why the uks tap water is so disgusting is that the activists were not supported enough – the reason why there is so much pollution is that the big companies were not afraid to pollute because there were few consequences and when the issues came to light, they just shrugged their shoulders and said “whats it got to do with me?

In my youth i got into all sorts of trouble for making a fuss over something that was not right — i still do. I even have people (who should know better) ringing me up to tell me that – i say my job is to make life better for everyone and worse for you.


What you see, is what you get? REALLY?

As a child i lived in a very bewildering world.

I came from tiny Norway to ununderstandable uk. It just didnt compute.

First of all my father was a war hero – nobody was interested – he did this, he did that – i did this, i did that – nobody was interested – its called SHOWING OFF.

A very major crime in many books. I was treated accordingly.

That didnt make me stop, it just made me Angry. Especially because of the punishments from the teachers and the bullying from the other pupils, though both learnt before too long the keep their distance and the enlightened – just to enjoy.

Now that really interests me because we are supposed to just sit there, are we?

I love hearing peoples stories – what they get up to – what they do and so comes the joy of stories.

Actually my Father is a war hero – he was part of a secret organisation during the second world war and was a regional leader – he had over 90 agents throughout the war and not one was caught. He was engaged in a far more powerful war that the regular war heroes – that of information.

This idea that one must not blow ones own trumpet follows me to this day – i am 70.

And still i say FUCK YOU.

It is actually a type of bullying.

So what do i do about it?

Ive tried blowing my own trumpet here but even though its business it doesent go down well – there are 2 ways of advertising your business – ahaaa actually 3.

Word of mouth

Advertising in media


One of my works is hand copy turning – in the uk there were not many of us but we earnt well and were very respected because it was magic.

Essentially you came to me with a knob you wanted copying – or a chair leg , lots of church work, and i made it by eye. Here nobody wants to know, principally because they dont understand.

In the uk i worked for all kinds doing that work – that included Freddy Mercury, Vivienne Westwood (jewlery) and more – also local farmers, antique dealers all over the westcountry and other furniture makers.

35 years ago i decided to make a series of spoons meaning something.

Much to my surprise i found that most adults could not understand the concepts. Took me a long time to find out why.

Patterned learning.

Adults though they try to be different are shaped by patterns, they look for patterns in everything, therefore even you get put under this A4 frame.

Even artists – especially artists.

This is such a shame because things dont change because of it. Things remain stative, staid, old, mouldy.

Ive had some sucesses in my local Town – 3 public lectures 1 of them solo. 2 on seaweed trawling and one on teflon (ptfe)

Ive also tended many public events bringing a tent, aquaria and other items for a environment organization – but perhaps it was the brochures on ptfe – or my trying to persuade public bodies to take me more seriously that did it. As a result many turn their back on me –

It hurts.

So ive been conducting a little campaign which involves showing my stuff but in a kind of backwards way.

Recently this has had some sucess with an article on the national news (on the spoons)

another in a magazine called Familien

But it is not enough so ive been having a “secret” exhibition in the high street.


All the more so because its totally ABSURD. Doesent follow any of the “rules”.

I havent told anybody about it – its very high quality crafts and its totally unique. Best of all for many what you see is what you get – missing the hidden meaning totally.

Adults dont get the connection between each item but children do. The very serious adults where the exhibition is being held only see fine crafts and totally miss the underlying “text.”

As the display cases are experimental and fulfill many different tasks it serves another purpose as well.

The displays are made out of Perspex 4mm thick.

Its a difficult substance to work in so ive discarded the usual frame and legs with braces in favour of an internal turned structure which includes a facility for possible wall mounting. The legs do not have stretchers so the whole wobbles if you touch it. The legs can be simply pulled out so the whole is entirely portable and free from scrapes caused by bags or smudges from hands. In short they are funnnnnnn.